Chmouel Boudjnah <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> > Hi cooker guys,
> > I'm looking for login just after the boot, when the 'Welcome to mandrake'
> > comes up. (console stage)on init 3.
> > When giving-up the user name and then the password, nothing happen.
> > and no PROMPT.
> > When then typing anyting, the console reflects exactly a second time what I
> > had typing.
> > The only way to reboot is a crt-alt-del.
> it's the stupid patches of pixel and tv on rc.sysint that i gonna to
> revert unless they debug this and fix it before tonight.

IMO there's no relation. The modifs only occurs when fsck fails...

anyway, i'll change the formatting to be more intuitive when Aurora is not there
(when Aurora is there, it's nice already)

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