
The installer is looking really good now (except the package chooser 
ofcourse!). The screens which are displayed while installing are really 
really good.. they give the user a lot of information about linux mandrake 
and linux in general.. but maybe you should put more of them to last atleast 
5-7 mints.. the current ones last only 3 mints and start repeating :(

- Do a spell check.. I saw a "clic" when it shld be "click" (on ther server 

- "Thank you to have chosen LM" is IMHO wrong english.. how about "Thank you 
for choosing LM"? Please have someone really good at english review the 
slides.. the professionalism will go away otherwise.

Ok, now other things:

1> Still I see only 2/3rd of the installation screen on the entire monitor on 
the SGI Zx10 workstation... somebody please do something.. get specs from my 
previous mail on cooker

2> More woes on package selection: "Internet station" still has horrible 
tooltip.. rewrite it in plain english with names of known applications! not 
tin, pine etc please!

3> Why are "games", "multimedia", "network client", "console" not chosen when 
they totally contribute to less than 20-30 MB i think and are really really 
useful and important! Even default selecting "documents" won't be bad. IMHO, 
a newbie who dosn't understand what to do (or is simply lazy or wants to just 
say ok to whateveris default) might simply say "OK" and he won't get any 
multimedia, games applications.. and that'll be strange.. again I request.. 
please revisit package selection.. (and an install "everything" magic!) 

4> X was not configured again.. the machine just locks up.. and I have to 
press CAD to reboot..

5> I finally found (I think) that its LILO that mandrake now uses.. Maybe a 
"Press <esc> to go to lilo prompt" be nice! It'll first of all help users 
know that its lilo, and 2ndly in critical times, it'll help them to go to the 
lilo prompt! 

6> I don't have NT installed on the machine.. but it shows NT in the 
selecter! Actually I have two SCSI disks.. and I never formatted the 2nd 
one.. maybe its because of that? I also tried to say boot NT and it dosn't do 
nething.. obv cause there is no NT.. 

7> I could never boot into the machine.. This time aurora comes up.. but 
again I can see only 2/3rd of the screen. This default aurora just shows the 
current log output (one line only) and that looks really ugly and 
unprofessional esp when there are too many errors. How about:
  - Sending all output to another console.. so if a user wants to look at 
whats actually going on, he/she will press Ctrl-Alt-F2 or whatever.
  - Remove any sort of ugly output from this aurora
  - Always have a "Linux Mandrake 8.0" written on all your screens.. this 
makes a BIG difference.. it shows that u are professional. I have asked this 
a lot of times, but still there is no mention of linux mandrake while booting 
(in aurora) or on the login screen. Thats bad :(

8> There is a line of "stars" at the bottom of aurora which keeps 
incrementing.. I found that each star is for an error message.. now thats 
strange! A star for an error message?? Then there are 5 icons at the bottom 
and a square around them keeps shiting from one icon to another in a random 
fashion! A more logical way would be to move from left to right indicating 
progres.. right now there is nothign that indicates progress and the user 
never knows when the machine will stop doing the bootup! I would rather have 
the other aurora that came with LM7.2 than this one.. there are just too many 
wrong things about this one. I think these small,artistic,professional 
touches need to be taken care of.. If the RC1 is released as it is, it'll 
look very bad during boot-up. The icons simply don't mean anything.. 

9> The machine dosn't boot up as  I said. the last message I see in aurora is 
"starting kheader".. and most of the stars below say "httpd:bad group name 
apache". The last star says "proftpd: cannot open /etc/groups. bad group 
namenoname" (not exactly like this but something similar). What is wrong? I 
can ping the machine though.

10> Ok, now I did "failsafe".. The first error message in a nice box I get is 
"Cannot set permissions for /var/log/linuxconf/boot.log". Bad group name 
root". I say ok, and then 100s of files follow the above one.. so I kept 
enter key pressed for quite a while.. then it continued booting.. httpd adn 
proftpd gave errors (Pt 9 above). I cannot loign either.. dosn't accept 
root/passwd :( Any ideas??

11> Like many others, even I am getting sick of those twin colored icons.. 
Why is LM making all 2 color icons? only blue and yellow! They really look 
kiddish. There are two reasons for the kiddish look: use of only 2 colors 
(blue and yellow) and no sharpness in the icons (they are fuzzy with circular 
edges everywhere). If mandrake has to show that they are professional, we 
really need cool new icons like KDE has.. This can be simply achieved by 
using _more_ colors!

Okay, now something from 8.0B3 still remaining..

12> How do I configure LILO now? 7.x had drakboot which allowed to configure 
LILO.. now there is no GUI to do that :( And what happened to grub? I still 
see some grub entries in /boot... why are they there if GRUB is not used?

13> in 7.x I could format a floppy with drakboot too.. is KFloppy the only 
way to format a floppy? I really don't mind coz kfloppy is better than the 
old drakboot anyday.

14> Shouldn't ReiserFS be the default FS? ext2 is a pain when the machine is 
abnormally rebooted or the power goes off.. I think ReiserFS has matured and 
there is no reason why ext2 is default esp. in recommended mode! Or can we 
atleast have an choise between ext2 & ReiserFS w/o going to expert mode to do 

Since I couldn't boot into RC1, I cannot tell more.

But some cool things that I expected from LM since they are targetting 
desktop :

1> Enable LAN/SMB browsing in konqueror by default.
2> Insert userful sites (www and ftp) into konqueror's sidebar.. 

there are many other cool things that can be pre-configured for the user esp 
in KDE.. Is there anyone from LM listening??

LM8.0 is definitely shaping up really really good... but with improvements to 
the package selection and look'n'feel, it could be _the_ killer product. So 
take more time, but deliver the best! 


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