
These are the things I "stumbled" upon during installing Mandrake 8 rc1
on my computer:
* I got no gfx installation, I was dropped into textmode install. after
  a while I figured out why: I recently got a wacom usb tablet and since
  also have a logitech usb mouse X died horribly. After I removed my
  usb tablet all things went ok.

* in textmodus I saw these errormessages: packdrake: unable to find
  en_US.po in archive /usr/bin/perl-install/po.c2z, same for en.po
* during the installation, some graphic images are shown: Mandrake
  Control: "The one palce" .. should be "The one place", Server Software
  "one clic away" .. should be "one click away"?
* internet configuration: I connect to a cablemodem using DHCP
  networkcard. I also have a 2nd networkcard I use for my localnetwork
  (static IP). How can I configure this properly, because since Mandrake
  7.2 I haven't been able to configure DHCP usage properly (I always
  to manually edit /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 and add
* I've got a Geforce256 based gfx card, is there a way to select X4
  during recommended install?
  Last thing I can say is that I'm very impressed by the improvements
  since Mandrake 7.2.

  Best regards,

  Jeroen Janssen

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