On Tue, 10 Apr 2001, David BAUDENS wrote:

> Andrej Borsenkow écrivit :
> > > On Mon, 9 Apr 2001, Andrej Borsenkow wrote:
> > >
> > > > Confirmed with the artsd in KDE 2.1.1-3mdk and libqt2-2.3.0-2mdk. I am not
> > > > sure about fonts but I switched on AA fonts and nothing (bad) happened.
> > > > So, I presume they are really not activated :-)
> > > >
> > > Here, everything is behaving normally. I had artsd and aa fonts switched on,
> > > then turned them off and on again and it the settings always reflected
> > > the real behaviour.
> > > Did you set QT_XFT in some shell script? It might override the kde setting
> > > stored in share/config/kdeglobals.
> > >
> >
> > I don't care about QT_XFT. I do care about sound server not being loaded.
> > And settings in share/config/kcmartsrc are correct - I have
> > STartServer=true and no artsd at startup.
> Have you read/write access on /dev/dsp ?

bor@localhost% ll /dev/dsp
crw-------    1 bor      audio     14,   3 íÁÒ  8 13:12 /dev/dsp

(bor - it's me :-)

If I go into control center, uncheck and then check again sound server and
confirm, artsd is started all right. But KDE just won't start it on
startup ...


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