The thing I'd like to know is if your running an ftp server, apache, mysql, 
postfix, and three million other services. How do you check? at command 
services --status-all
If there are a bunch open, that's part of the problem. Your windows 95 
system would expire on bootup if it was trying to run even just a few robust 
services. Also, be sure you have no hardware misconfigurations/errors. Check 
every log in /var/log, but importantly /var/log/messages .. also do a dmesg 
| more and look for IRQ conflicts or other such nastiness. Remember, you are 
running a system setup for MOST people. If you only want it to do the 
equivalence of win95 operations (word-processing, solitaire, maybe telnet 
and some web) then you need to trim it down a LOT. I turn off about 50% of 
the services enabled by default on my workstations. I also go into 
/etc/inted.d and make sure ALL services listed there say disabled when you 
do a more <filename here>. Also, for security, make sure you have 
/etc/hosts.deny with the following line in it:
If you want to run FTP, Apache or other services, you don't want that line, 
so caveat emptor. If you DO want to run Apache and you already ARE, along 
with 3 or 4 other services that you want to serve out to others, then shame 
on you. Win95 can barely run apache when compiled correctly for it.

> > I'm serious about these questions, not trying to be a smart ass.  The
> > story being told is believable to me.  But, I keep hearing that Linux's
> > approach of using all available RAM (not paraphrased accurately) is the
> > best approach, yet in a Windows 95 system with 64 MB of memory I can
> > keep 30 IE 5 windows open and get snappy response switching between
> > windows, yet in a Linux (Mandrake 7.2) system with 128 MB of RAM (and
> > comparable processors, identical motherboards and video cards),
> > everything works much slower even with only one window open, and by the
> > time I get to 15 to 20 open (Konqueror 2.0 or 2.1) windows, the system
> > is like molasses.
> >
> > I think part of the problem is theat kde/konqueror need to learn some of
> > the tricks that Windows uses.  I can't describe those tricks accurately,
> > but I see the results.  One example: in Windows, if I create a new
> > instance of IE, it appears almost instantly, and the disk doesn't make a
> > peep.  In Linux, if I do the same thing in konqueror, the disk starts
> > chugging, and 15 to 45 seconds later the new instance of konqueror
> > appears (and on the wrong desktop if I've switched desktops in the
> > interim).
> >
> > Don't get me wrong, I want Linux to succeed, but I think some new tricks
> > are needed.  (Also, in Linux, if I make some wrong keystrokes, it seems
> > that they are all queued up and executed (slowly) one after the other.
> > In Windows, it seems that if I type (or click) the wrong command, but
> > then type (or click) the right command, the initial incorrect command is
> > interrupted and never completed (at least under some circumstances).  I
> > know I am not describing this stuff accurately or completely, but it
> > sure makes a Windows system much more responsive than a Linux system.
> >
> > And yes, "until it crashes" -- but I have learned to watch my resource
> > usage in Windows and reboot once or twice a week whether I need to or
> > not, and thus rarely if ever get a crash.  Yes, I would prefer not to
> > have to reboot periodically, but I get more done quicker in Windows
> > between reboots that I do in Linux waiting for the molasses.
> >
> > If you (anyone) can collaborate these stories, and help me get them to
> > the right developers, it would be to the benefit of all of us.  I don't
> > know whether these things need to be addressed at the OS level or the
> > desktop level, or someplace else, but someone needs to consider them.
> >
> > (And, if the desktop developers tell me they can do nothing, it all
> > depends on the OS developers, I will not believe them.  I might believe
> > that the cleanest fix must be done at the OS level (if that's what they
> > tell me), but I believe that fixes can also be done at lower levels.
> > Perhaps performance can be improved by always keeping a buffer of free
> > RAM large enough to immediately clone a konqueror window.  At the
> > desktop level, one or more such buffers can be created, even if you do
> > something dumb like precreating an unused instance of konqueror.  Then,
> > when an instance of konqueror is requested, display this one immediately
> > (with no disk chugging).  Then start the disk chugging to create another
> > free buffer for the next request.
> >
> > I know these kind of things can be done.  I am not enough (or any) of a
> > programmer to do them myself.  I imagine all the developers are busy
> > doing important things.  Are they aware of and planning to implement
> > techniques like these, or better?
> >
> > If this email has any value, please feel free to copy or quote portions
> > of it to anyone, anywhere, anytime.
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Randy Kramer

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