As per a request made on the security-discuss mailing list regarding a
new mailing list for network administrators:

At this point there will be no admin-users (or similar) mailing list.
What we would like to see is people use mandrakeforum for that kind of
discussion, and we will be putting a new topic on the site dealing
with network administration.

For those of who do not like that idea, or prefer a traditional
mailing list, I've just setup [EMAIL PROTECTED] as a
mailing list for that sort of discussion.

You can subscribe to the mailing list by visiting:

The description of the list indicates the target audience (network
admin, using mandrake, 10+ users on network, bla bla bla), but also
indicates it's an "unofficial" pre-requisite.

Any questions, please feel free to email me directly or discuss it on
the new mailing list!

[EMAIL PROTECTED], OpenPGP key available on
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 - Danen Consulting Services,
 - MandrakeSoft, Inc. Security

Current Linux kernel 2.4.3-19mdk uptime: 2 days 18 hours 13 minutes.

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