
        I'm running 8.0, with cooker updates as of yesterday.  My computer has a DVD 
drive as HDD, and with a link from /dev/hdd to /dev/cdrom.  I remember there 
was mention of a problem reading DVD's once the drive had mounted a CD-ROM, 
so I rebooted with a DVD in the drive.

        I can mount the drive, and KDiskFree sees that it's 3.49GB in size.  I can 
read the directories, however, that seems to be ALL I can read.  The drive 
and this disk reads fine in windoz.

        fstab table entry for this made by the install program reads:

/mnt/cdrom /mnt/cdrom supermount fs=iso9660, dev=/dev/cdrom 0 0

        Any idea how to get this going again?


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