Well then I clearly disagree.  I just happened to be clicking around.
There is no printer attached to this machine and I don't feel the need
for it to print.  I was just investigating the tool.  If I can't
investigate it because part of the tool is not installed, I'd rather be
told that than have it just presume that it knows what's best for me.
Tres Microsoft, I say.

What if I was just bad with the mouse and meant to hit the item above or
below printing and just lucked out and accidentally clicked it instead?
Shouldn't I at least get a dialog asking me if I really want something
new installed on my machine?  I mean, if the answer is indeed yes, I
will only ever be asked the question once, so it's not like it's a
really big inconvenience to confirm that choice.  And what if I'm on a
dialup connection.  The cups drivers are several megabytes in size.  Is
it right for it to just take off and start downloading files without a
hello and how are you?  I'd rather it ask me and make sure I'm ready to
do that before it goes tying up my phone line for several hours.

No, I stand by my statement.  Software should never be installed without
first some confirmation from the user.


On 24 Apr 2001 01:54:47 -0400, Kyle Jacobs wrote:
> I can't say it's presumptuous; the user is clearly attempting 
> to configure the Linux print system.  If CUPS is not available, 
> it is clearly not installed, and the feature is useless.
> Rather than just "not working", or giving a cryptic error 
> message, the program intelligently requests the install sources 
> so that the feature in question CAN be installed.
> I for one, think its time for MORE presumptuous action on the 
> behalf of the operating system.
> ---- On 22 Apr 2001 21:49:17, Eaon ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> > DrakConf-0.61-44mdk
> > 
> > I'd never used the thing before, so I was just clicking 
> around randomly
> > checking stuff out.  When I clicked on Printing, it suddenly 
> kicked off
> > and installed the cups RPMs.  Everything else that I clicked 
> on that I
> > had never used before just had a "You haven't used this 
> before.  Click
> > the Configure button to set it up" message (and matching 
> Configure
> > button).  Why does printing go and install stuff without 
> asking first?
> > Rather presumptuous, wouldn't you say?
> > 
> > Eaon
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 

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