Hi guys,

I am writing this again and again.. but nobody seems to be interested. Here I 
go again.

I am having serious problems on Dell 5000e laptop with network connectivity. 
Troubles started when during installation, my ethernet card was detected 
twice. There after whenever I start MCC and go to "connection", I see two 
ethernet cards instead of one. Disabling one disables another. So how do I 
remove the double entry?? I also found that harddrake dosn't show any 
ethernet card!! that is quite strange!

I then went into linuxconf, and there I could successfully disable eth1 and 
enabled eth0.. a simple "service network restart" then started my network 
properly. Thus, right now, MCC is totally useful for me.

Another problem I found with MCC is the profiles. They simply don't work! For 
eg.. I setup two profiles, gave different IPs, Gateways and DNS servers. 
Whenever I change the profiles, only the IP changes.. the gateway and DNS 
remain the same.. agian I have to go to linuxconf and set the correct DNS and 
Gateway. Are other laptop users experiencing same problem?

I find really strange that Mandrake released a product w/o testing 
everything. Please provide an update asap.. till them I would recommend not 
using LM 8.0 on laptops.

btw, there was one more trouble I had.. whenever I did "service pcmcia 
restart", the machine used to hang. This was gone when I moved my ethernet 
card to Slot0 instead of slot1!


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