> I know that you can specify "umask xxx" in a ftp
> session, but how do you specify it to apply every time
> a guy is uploading?

Depending on the ftp daemon you're using, it's possible
to specify it at the ftpd command line.  I'm using
ftpd-BSD (the Linux port of a BSD ftp daemon) at home,
and in my /etc/inetd.conf I have:

ftp  stream  tcp  nowait  root  /usr/sbin/tcpd  ftpd-BSD -l -S -u 022

(The above is one big line, beware bad mail clients!)

That gives a umask of 022, which should give 755 to all
files uploaded.

There is no guarantee that the above will work with
wu-ftpd (one of the two that comes with Mandrake) or
ProFTPd (the other that comes with Mandrake).  They may
have their own ways of doing things.  I just did a
"man ftpaccess" which is one of the files wu-ftpd uses,
and there is a "defumask" argument.  You may try that.

Now, current distros seem to be using xinetd more and
more, which I don't really know a lot about.  I'm sure
adapting this for xinetd would be pretty simple.  In
fact, I'll give it a shot (note, this is untested):

# default: on
# description: The ftpd-BSD FTP server serves FTP connections. It uses \
#       normal, unencrypted usernames and passwords for authentication.
service ftp
        socket_type             = stream
        wait                    = no
        user                    = root
        server                  = /usr/sbin/ftpd-BSD
        server_args             = -l -S -u 022
        log_on_success          += DURATION USERID
        log_on_failure          += USERID
        nice                    = 10

I guess I should try this at some point and move the last
of my inetd services over to xinetd.

Don Head
SAIR LCA, CIW-P, i-Net+, Network+, A+

Systems Administrator      [ [EMAIL PROTECTED] ]
Web Designer                            [ 1 314 650-4056 ]
[ AIM - Don Wave ] [ ICQ - 18804935 ] [ Yahoo - Don_Wave ]

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