I have the same problem with being disconnected on startup and having to 
manually connect myself everytime I reboot (ever 4 - 7 days, depending so 
it's not THAT annoying...)   It would be nice to have this fixed though.

On Saturday 28 April 2001 19:59, you wrote:
> 1) The 'details' button in the install stage is Great!!!
> pssst: how much harder would it be to make a button which allows selection
> of "all packages"?
> 2) No hitches installing
> 3) On initial boot:
> many unresolved symbol messages right before Aurora starts
> 4) Initial state is off-line (cablemodem, dhcp)
> MCC>network&internet>connection shows  disconnected
> choose 'connect' and although eth0 is started, the screen says not
> connected close window and reopen (internet icon) and all is correct. Very
> close, I'd say!

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