when I do update-menus -v after doing rpm --rebuilddb, I have to do it
twice, the first time doesn't work...no cpu eating here though

Michal Rokos wrote:
> Hello!
>         I want to ask here if anybody has problems with updating menus
>         in mandrake 8.0.
>         I received few reports from my friends. They say that
>         update-menus takes 100% CPU and never ends!
>         Do you have similar problems? (Because I found the solution, but
>         I don't know if it is needed to make FIX into official package)
>                 Best regards
>                         Michal
> --
> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
> Michal Rokos                           Czech Technical University, Prague
> E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]                                  ICQ: 36118339
> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
>             GPG-Key: http://majkl.sh.cvut.cz/~rokosm/key.txt
>  GPG-Key-Fingerprint: CA4B 2BD3 74B4 705F DF09  0A90 9483 620B C789 781D
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