I've installed (net install) Staroffice 5.2 on a MDK 7.2.
The install /net (as root) worked fine but I cannot do a user-install in
my private drive (as myself).What i don't understand is the fact that
the README refereces the MAK 6.0 as using the glic 2.0 while the
application seems to "struggle" to find it. A quick look in the
/etc/ld.so.conf seems to effectively to indicate that the available
library is not right 


I wander if I need to put in the ld.so.conf the /lib directory too or
simply put a symbolic to some place or ... Could some one give me some
hint(s) ?




[tsmets@Calvin tsmets]$ /mnt/cdrom/linux/office52/setup
ERROR: setup system check failed:
        libc.so.6   library not found
StarOffice 5.0 uses the new glibc2 (=libc6).
The libraries above could not be found.
The glibc_inst.tar package includes a README file which describes
how to install these libraries. It will be made available on the
ftp mirror sites in the same directory as the StarOffice installation
You can try to run setup (and StarOffice) anyway. If it does
not work or you experience strange crashes or get unresolved symbol
we recommend installing the glibc_inst.tar package.
Do you want to proceed anyway ? <y/n>                

Tue May  8 21:33:54 CEST 2001

Thomas SMETS                        e-mail : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Av. de la Brabançonne 133 / 3       Tel. : +32 (0)2 742. 05. 94.
1030 Bruxelles
======= Quote of the Day =========
Science and religion are in full accord but science and faith are in
========= End of Quote ===========

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