Machine : COMPAQ Deskpro EN

- Its a single processor but LM detects it as a multiprocessor and installs 
the -smp kernel by default.
- I gave incorrect gateway address during n/w configuration.. so obv. nothing 
was working. Then I clicked on "internet" .. the application was not very 
responsive (seems to be doing something in teh background), to check my 
settings, I went to MCC and then to network settings.. and the whole thing 
was sooooo slow.. Nothing was responsive. I then tried to reconfigure the n/w 
through MCC, I changed the gateway, but it still showed the old gateway in 
the GUI. In short, MCC's network section has to be improved to be responsive 
when the underlying n/w is not responding. 

Everything was up and running out of the box! great work!!

And some big KDE bugs :

- The default fonts were yuck!
- The default screen looks soo bad because the icons are arranged vertically 
(I am not talking of the seggregation, but the fact that each of the groups 
are not arranged properly themselves)
- Tooltips are not working for the start menu items as well as the desktop 
icons.. I think I already mentioned it back on the cooker.. 
- There is no way to get back to the original mandrake's icon placements

And this was specific to this machine and reproducible :

- I say I want AA fonts, logout, login, and there are no desktop icons! I 
then say I don't want AA, logout, login and icons are there. Then I installed 
NVidia's drivers and then started AA and it worked perfectly. It could be 
because I added "Load "render"" by hand to the X config file. btw, I also had 
to add "Load "glx"".. maybe the driver RPMs should take care of this? 
If the missing "render" extension was indeed the case ( I think the "nv" 
driver dosn't support render), then KDE's "I want AA" should be disabled if 
no render extension is found! [I know its a KDE bug, but LM is responsible 
too for fixing these b4 they release their OS.. and they do have a lot of KDE 
people working for them :) ]

These are small things but go a long way in making an impression.. so please 
check these in future versions of mandrake.. and please please provide 
upgrades to the various drak* applications which have bugs!


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