
i get a strange behavior when running quake3 with LM8.0 (Xfree 4.0.3).
I normally boot in graphical mode (level 5) and log in with kdm.
In this context, using kde or gnome, running quake3 crashes X (quake
goes to a 640x480 video mode and then X dies) and i get back to kdm.
I only have a line in /var/log/messages saying "X :0 died

Now, the funny thing is that when i boot to level 3, log in then run
i can run quake3 normally.

Any clue ?

PS: The logs of X starting are at
    if you want to have a deeper look at it. 
    Obtained with "startx 2>xfree.log.lvl3" and 
                  "cp /var/log/XFree.0.log xfree.log.lvl5"
  Stéphane Genaud                                    
   ICPS, Université Louis Pasteur                   
   Pôle API, Bd. S. Brant, F-67400 Illkirch        
   tel : (33)(0)390244542, 0619058113 (SFR)

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