>>>>> "m" == michael  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    m> Congratulations (even though I can't find an open spot on a
    m> mirror and get refused from the mandrakesoft site...) on a
    m> great job!  Mandrake Rocks!  -- pax -m-

Hmmm ... I might have a solution for that!

I won't guarantee it will work, you'll need to download the Java
WebStart (it will autodetect and redirect to the download if you
don't) and I have _no_ authority to make _any_ invitations or
promises, but ... if anyone wants to give it a shot, you can
swarm-download these ISO images from our Swarmgate peer-to-peer server



Now, some caveats:

1) Swarmgate can only swarm from HTTP servers, and the only working
mirror on HTTP was in Australia -- the first few downloaders will pay
the price of hoisting the file to America or Europe, but after that,
new downloaders will fetch _most_ of the files from _them_.

2) The first people to download this should turn off their "karmic
debt" counter so they will continue to serve parts of the file; best
to keep these running for a few days (if you have a non NAT'd high-speed
connection) until the demand dies down.

3) It may not work.  If you only see one or two mesh members and you
_know_ there should be more, please click the feedback button so we
can get a bug report --- this is _top_secret_ *pre-release* software.

4) Did I mention there are no guarantees?

5) You _must_ not judge the whole swarmcast technology off this demo;
the code you will be using is two weeks old and we are two weeks from
our launch date, and you all _know_ how much bug fixing goes into the
last 4 weeks of a project ;)

6) I listed the files at 17:30 EDT and our test server has horrible
inbound throughput; the swarmgate must fetch the files once to compute
the MDA hash, and at about 14k/sec, the Mandrake ISO's won't be ready
for hours.  You will get a "please wait" page if the ISO's are still
in transit.  Don't be discouraged, just come back later.  If they are
not indexed by tomorrow at noon EDT, then I have a bug ;)

If you want to co-ordinate your downloads with others in your
geographic region, please feel free to use our IRC channel at
irc://openprojects.net/swarmgate -- we have set up #swarmgate
specifically for this.  You will get max throughput if you can
co-ordinate more than 10 other downloaders (or if 10 good high-speed
users stay connected)

Gary Lawrence Murphy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: office voice/fax: 01 519 4222723
T(C)Inc Business Innovations through Open Source http://www.teledyn.com
KernelWiki Community Linux Docs: http://kernelbook.sourceforge.net/wiki

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