On Wed Apr 25, 2001 at 10:02:36PM -0400, Jan Vicherek wrote:


>   Not much can be done about 1., but 2. & 3. could potentially be
> eliminated if cooker testers (list readers and posters), were able to put
> their findings and even suggested fixes (patches) into an online bug
> tracking database. Then Mdk wouldn't hopefully release a distro if they
> saw that a problem serious enough exists. And I'm sure, being under the
> time pressure, they would welcome if people suggested some patches in the
> online bug tracking db that they could utilize.
>   Is Mdk already using a bug tracking db internally ? Would it be possible
> that cooker audience could browse it and submit new bugs / finding / fixes
> / patches ?


That's our bugzilla...  bugs and such should be reported there in
preference to the cooker ml.

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