Chmouel Boudjnah wrote:

>Would someone could be interessed to do a kernel cousins for cooker :
>or a weekly summary would be great...
Would love to, with your guidance.  I assume it means just sorta tell 
people what patch changes we (actually you (the real developers)) make, 
what ideas & proposals get tossed around that would affect other 
distros, that kinda thing?  Would you want just for kernel stuff or for 
others?  The whole cooker?  That a lot to keep track of but with help I 
would at least give it a shot.  My work load is going to drop massively 
this summer so I would be able to, like I said to cover my ass, give it 
a try (if just kernel, I could easily handle it with notes from you 
along the way, but I see like an entire debian one and considering the 
amount of traffic I get from the cooker ml, KC-cooker would be a little 
on the time consuming side w/o help). once again, with a little help. 
 If u want entire cooker, I might chunk off some areas to people better 
suited (i.e. mozilla/nautilus stuff to fc, compiler stuff to gwen, upper 
level lujistics to lenny, etc.).  I'll go read a few more and come back 
with a clearer response.  Would love to be involved somehow at least.

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