I just did a fresh install of cooker (Linux-Mandrake Cooker-i586
20010524 21:15).  I always have to upgrade to XFree86 4.x afterwards. 
This time the display won't work on the upgrade.  There weren't any
problems with 8.0 or previous versions.  This time the left third of the
display is normal but then the left inch of the display is mirrored 5 or
6 times to fill in the right two thirds of the display.  I don't know if
this is caused by XFree86.org upgrades or the mandrake changes.  My
setup is:

AMD K6-3 400mhz
S3trio 3d w. 4 megs ram
Futura Likom Monitor (HorizSync  30-70  VertRefresh 47-104)

"It said uses Windows 95 or better, so I loaded Linux!"
"In a world without walls and fences, who needs windows and gates?"
Kelley Terry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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