>>>>> "michael" == michael  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

michael> Made the mistake of installing it in my heretofore working 8.0 last
michael> night. 
michael> Attempting to reboot with it gave "Loading 244-6  ESBDA too big".
michael> Switched back to 2.4.3-20 (i.e. chose "linux" from lilo menu) and got
michael> "Loading linux  EBDA too big".
michael> First time I ever saw that!!!

Me also.  
It is possible that you have a motherboard that don't like to have
kernels before the 1024 cylinder?

Are you using lba32 in your lilo.conf??

Reading the lilo user guide, that is really strange. 

Could you send me:
      your lilo.conf
the output of:

ls -l /boot

It appears that:
1- you are not using bzImage (strange if you are using Mandrake
2- you are using a prehistoric lilo (not probablye yf you has
   installed 8.0)

Later, Juan.

In theory, practice and theory are the same, but in practice they 
are different -- Larry McVoy

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