On Sun, 10 Jun 2001, Michael Reinsch wrote:

> FYI: pspell/aspell is broken (again): libpspell_aspell.* is missing. It now
> should be in libaspell10-something.rpm, I guess, but it is not.
> The problem here is the same when building pspell: the new lib
> (libpspell_aspell) depends on a new lib (aspell) which was just build and
> not yet installed. So libtool can't resolv this reference and doesn't
> install it.
> Please, please (I think we never had a working pspell/aspell in Mandrake)
> add the library names to the file section of the spec file to make sure
> that the build will break if something goes wrong.

Yes, and the %%file section of pspell is too generic. Currently there is
only "lib*.so*", "lib*.so" and "lib*a". This way pspell will never fail
building; but people will only discover the problem afterwards.

> I also posted a workaround for pspell some time ago which at least works
> for me and will make the build process much easier. It is simple: add an
> "export LIBRARY_PATH=$(DESTDIR)/$(libdir);" into the Makefile.in before
> calling "libtool --mode=install" to install those libs. This isn't nice but
> it seems to work and its better than a broken pspell/aspell until libtool
> can handle this.

Also nice too, since it's unknown when will libtool be fixed to handle
rebuild problem or when will pspell/aspell fix it.


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