No offense and not trying to start a flame war... but I didn't receive any
feedback on this and I want to make sure that someone else tries something
similar to make sure this isn't a show stopping bug... Upgrading is one
thing, but a fresh install is kinda necesary to really test things out. If
I'm just a looney at least tell me so. =)
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, June 19, 2001 1:01 AM
Subject: [Cooker] Fresh Sunsite hd.img Install Fails

> Just booted to windows after spending a few minutes trying to play around
> with grub but it's too late to do much more. I'll go back and get more
> information if other people can reproduce something similar, if they can't
> guess it's just something I did.
> -Rsync from Sunsite
> -floppy install from hd.img
> -Expert -> Install
> -Formatted  my root and /usr partitions to get a totally fresh install
> -Small note: error installing guile-devel packages (i need to make sure i
> have these for sure)
> -mkbootdsk fails
> -install of lilo with text menu fails with empty error: "", grub installs
> fine
> -rebooted... Kernel Panic no Init Found try appending initrd= (not exact
> wording probably)
> -used command prompt in grub and got kernel to boot.. panics again with
> "cannot mount root file system ""  try appending root="
> Once again, it's late so I don't have all the details from the error log
> if this is reproduceable I'll get more information tomorrow when I have
> time.
> -Tim

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