On Wed Jun 20, 2001 at 12:14:48AM +0200, Alexander Skwar wrote:

> There's one thing that I wondered about Mandrake.
> The Download Edition is released under the GPL.  Now, to my understanding,
> this requires MandrakeSoft to also release sources to every package which is
> part of the DL ed of Linux-Mandrake.  But I cannot find SRPMS of the
> packages of a Released version of Linux Mandrake.  Isn't this a violation of
> the GPL?
> Don't get me wrong - I'm *NOT* trying to attack/blame MandrakeSoft here. 
> I'm simply confused and would like this to be cleared.

SRPMS are available on some FTP sites that carry them...  we just
don't make ISO's of the SRPMS available (I think our mirror sites
would kill us if we did).

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