In Sun, 8 Jul 2001, Edward Avis cum veritate scripsit :


> >>for i in /usr/share/java/*; do
> >>    export CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:$i
> >>done
> >But... maybe there will be (with a /huge/ growing number of jars etc.)
> >some broken dependencies or conflicts due to the wrong sequence of jars in
> Mostly this will not happen due to Java's package rules.  A library from
> one vendor will have classes called
> com.snakeoil.palisade.Whatever
> and another vendor will use
> com.gerbil-gratings.simphoni.Whatever
> so they can't clash.  This even happens for different libraries
> implementing the same spec, such as XML DOM.  You set a string in your
> source code to decide whose implementation to use.

Actually they WILL clash! But maybe only for work-in-progress code. But as
a developer I have exactly *these* pbs... ;-(
But that's another story and it surely won't happen to the guy who just
substitutes windoze with Linux Mandrake on his home peecee...

> old version, as in 'bash1'.)  I expect that this also happens when Java
> libraries get incompatible new versions, eg:
> com.snakeoil.palisade4_2_1.Whatever
> com.snakeoil.palisade5_3_0.Whatever


> Really you have to say that it's up to the library author.  However if
> users do want finer control over what .jar files get searched first they
> can always edit their CLASSPATH themselves.  I think that most likely
> they would just add the necessary .jar files to the front.

And the guy with his shiny new Linux?

> >And what about a *big* CLASSPATH if you have installed dozens of java
> >packages?
> Not a problem - if you've installed dozens you presumably want to use

I know but that's not... er... NICE!

> them all.  Considering the general speed of Java, I don't think the
> small extra startup time would be significant :-)

The guy must buy an GHz-Athlon. ;-)


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