There goes those Reply To's. You might say, well why don't I just look 
before sending, but hey the fonts in Mozilla are so terrible, they 
overlap and overwrite each other, that if I look at them I lose my place 
in what I'm typing, which is visually impossible to determine. I think 
this may be because I installed mozilla-fonts. I'm not sure.


David Walluck

Frank Meurer wrote:

> On Tue, 10 Jul 2001, Guillaume Rousse cum veritate scripsit :
>>On a fresh cooker install:
>>[guillaume@silbermann guillaume]$ ssh-add
>>Could not open a connection to your authentication agent.
>>[guillaume@silbermann guillaume]$ echo $PATH
>>[guillaume@silbermann guillaume]$ cat .bash_profile | grep PATH
>>export PATH=$HOME/bin:$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH
> If you don't have a login shell, then your .bash_profile is not parsed.
> I recommend the usage of .bashrc .

Doesn't matter. Something is not set up correctly. Previous versions of 
Mandrake always read this file, and anyway, I don't think ~/.bashrc is 
supposed to be used in place of ~/.bash_profile. They are separate files 
with separate uses.


David Walluck

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