The bad news.. the PCMCIA network problem is still there.  Same

Cardmgr [783]: socket 1: NE2000 compatible ethernet
Cardmgr [783]: executing: 'modprobe 8390'
Cardmgr [783]: executing: 'modprobe pcnet_cs'
Cardmgr [783]: executing: './network start eth0'
Cardmgr [783]: + ./network: x: command not found
Cardmgr [783]: + Determining IP information for ETH0
Cardmgt [783]: + failed, no link present.  Check cable?

Also, for some reason, can't get into KDE with a fresh install.
Logging in causes the X server to reset, then asks to log in
again.  Had to go to a console and 'startkde', which FAILS 
because the X server is already running.. but DOES create the
missing files and dirctories in the .kde directory.  Also
had to start GNOME this way before KDE would work?  I have no
idea what's missing, but needs to get debugged before going
to any kind of release.


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