Le Mardi 31 Juillet 2001 16:51, vous avez écrit :
> On Tuesday 31 July 2001 03:21 pm, you wrote:
> > >   Shouldn't Mesa be selected if mesa-demos is?  I don't think the demos
> > > run without the package.
> >
> > well, XFree86-libs provides Mesa, so maybe it works :)
> I don't know if currently it works - it didn't used to.  In order to fix
> had to install Mesa NOT Mesa-common or whatever.  

There's a problem. Indeed people who have a nvidia cards, if they install the 
drivers can make this demos works even if there is not Mesa. On top of that, 
Mesa package can conflict with the install of the drivers, so It's better 
when this package is not present. Mesa-common is "required" as there's in it 
the librairies for OpenGL (even if there are overriden). So I think it's 
better to do like before : have the ability to install Mesa-common without 

[root@bastard root]# rpm -ql Mesa-common | grep GL

And sorry for my english.

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