At my last job, that would have gone an incredible distance toward
replacing NT with Mandrake.  We were stuck with MS stuff because the
accounting system was run on Great Pains Solomon 4 (not a typo).  I
could have at least converted the web server to Mandrake and let the
server mini-LAN'd to it continue running NT.

Franck Martin wrote:
> For the ones interested, I have added a module called php-sybase in
> cooker/contribs which gives the ability for php to contact a sybase or
> MS-SQL database.
> I would appreciate, if the maintainers of php bring this package in the
> cooker directory, so that it appears standard in the next MDK release.
> The problem with this module php-sybase is that it needs recompilation
> for each new version of php released, because php makes a version
> release check when loading modules.
> also in the php package, the php.ini file needs and ;
> to work correctly when the php-sybase package gets installed.
> Cheers

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