
        Dumb gnome question.. I figured since Screem didn't work in KDE, that
maybe it would work in Gnome.. so I tried it, and it hangs in the same 
place..  when you kill it, it leaves a box on the screen that is stuck in the 
forground - everything that displays there displays behind this dead box.. 

        When I log out of Gnome, it USED to ask if I wanted to save the session, or
some such question, about restarting the apps that were up at the time of 
logging out.  It doesn't do that anymore.. and when Gnome is restarted, it 
restarts any apps that were running at the time I logged out - including 
Screem, which hangs!  How do I get rid of this?  Shouldn't it ask about 
saving the session?


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