
I installed totday kernel-2.4.8-5mdk.i586.rpm,
initscripts-6.11-2mdk.i586.rpm and devfsd-1.3.16-1mdk.i586.rpm .

When booting, I always got this message:
mount: invalid option -- O
and then the short help with valid options.

Then I wanted to convert some of my partitions from ext2 to ext3, so I
also installed e2fsprogs-1.22-1mdk.i586.rpm. But when running tune2fs -j
/dev/hda7, I got an error message, something about unrecongnised symbols

I installed libext2fs2-1.22-1mdk.i586.rpm,
libext2fs2-devel-1.22-1mdk.i586.rpm, mount-2.11h-1mdk.i586.rpm and
SysVinit-2.78-10mdk.i586.rpm, and both those two problems were solved.
So, I guess some dependencies are missing, probably
initscripts-6.11-2mdk.i586.rpm also depends on mount-2.11h-1mdk.i586.rpm
and e2fsprogs-1.22-1mdk.i586.rpm requires libext2fs2-1.22-1mdk.i586.rpm.

BTW: somebody experience in converting the root filesystem in ext3?
There seems to be a bit of confusion if it will be recognised, and if it
will be mounted in ext3 and not ext2.

Frederik Himpe

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