> > This is an odd mathmatic problem:
> >
> > I have a home partition of 981 meg
> > I have 204 meg free
> > This means that my home directory should use up 777
> > meg
> >
> > However, from within konqueror file manager if I right
> > click on the /home directory and get the properties it
> > shows the home directory uses only 662.6 meg. What
> > happened to the other 115 meg?
> >
> Different filesystem report free space in funny ways.  
> Perchance is this a 
> reiserfs partition?  Oh and resierfs eats 32MB for the journal.

Two things you have to remember when looking at file
sizes/file system sizes:

 - Reserved space
 - Inode size

When you create a file system, a small percentage of it
is reserved.  You can see this in 'man mke2fs':

  -m reserved-blocks-percentage
     Specify the percentage of reserved blocks for the
     super-user.  This value defaults to 5%.

Inode size determines the amount of disk space a file
actually takes up on the disk.  A small 1k file could be
taking up 4k of space on the disk if your file system
uses 4k inodes.  When a program counts the size of all
the files, you'll get one number; but when you look at
the actual free space on the disk, you'll get a different
number.  (Disk waste due to large inodes was even worse
in DOS, up until they introduced FAT32.  It's still not
as good as Linux/ext2, but at least considerably better
than it was.)

I'm not sure how inodes and such work with journalling
file systems.  If you're using one, this may not apply.

Don Head
SAIR LCA, CIW-P, i-Net+, Network+, A+

Systems Administrator      [ [EMAIL PROTECTED] ]
Web Designer                            [ 1 314 650-4056 ]
[ AIM - Don Wave ] [ ICQ - 18804935 ] [ Yahoo - Don_Wave ]

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