"Chris Edwards" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> there's a new version of video lan out.
> * Minor release, with overlay subtitle support.
> http://www.videolan.org/
> just a question.... i noticed that video lan RPM's are in the RPMS2 folder.
> Are there any CSS lib's or anything else i need to install before I can play
> dvd's using video lan? -- or are they included in cooker?..

the cooker rpm does not include any deCSS code (either in binaries or source
You need the libdvdcss available on http://zarb.org/~yves/rpm/vlc or in
http://www.videolan.org when sam is aware :)
i will make 0.2.83 rpm and libdvdcss 0.3 rpms today..
Yves Duret
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