[I begin to believe devfs is not as great idea after all]

I have Jaz drive and want to change media. Good. See what happens:

{pts/1}% ll /dev/sda*
lr-xr-xr-x    1 root     root           33 αΧΗ 26  2001 /dev/sda -> 
lr-xr-xr-x    1 root     root           34 αΧΗ 26 00:49 /dev/sda4 -> 
{pts/1}% sudo umount /dev/sda4
{pts/1}% sudo eject /dev/sda4
{pts/1}% ll /dev/sda*
lr-xr-xr-x    1 root     root           33 αΧΗ 26  2001 /dev/sda -> 

O.K., I removed media so it has disappeared, so far so good. Now let's 
insert new one, wait a bit in hope that everything has settled down, and 
check if it is there:

{pts/1}% ll /dev/sda*
lr-xr-xr-x    1 root     root           33 αΧΗ 26  2001 /dev/sda -> 
{pts/1}% ll /dev/sda4
ls: /dev/sda4: No such file or directory

Oops! Now that's becoming really interesting. /dev/sda4 is created only 
after module has scanned media. It does so when we try to acces media. 
But to access media from user land we need a handle ... i.e. device file 
... that does not yet exist because devfs does not know which partitions 
are available. Nice, is not it?


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