I picked up a CD at LinuxWorld for $20 and it runs QuickTime really well on 
my system :-), though the advertisements on Apple's sites are choppy when in 
anything higher than 56k mode (my system is only a dual Pentium I MMX/233, 
not even a PII, but I have pretty good DSL and it streams fine on my 
partner's G4 Macintosh off of the same connection).

The person at the CodeWeavers booth said that only the 2.2.2 version of 
Konqueror will properly support the Crossover Plugin and that it's only in 
CVS.  From what I can tell, Cooker only has 2.2.1pre :-(.  My brother 
convinced me to try Mozilla, and it works very well with the Crossover plugin 
:).  Now I'm just waiting for Konqueror 2.2.2...

One thing of note: I installed it as a user but had to "chmod o+r /home" for 
Wine to descend to /home/slawrance/crossover/...   I have Mandrake set to the 
High security level, but I had to make this exception for Wine..  Perhaps 
that could be patched?

On Thursday 30 August 2001 07:16 pm, you wrote:
> http://linuxtoday.com/news_story.php3?ltsn=2001-08-28-006-20-PR-SW
> http://www.newsforge.com/article.pl?sid=01/08/29/0233236
> Did Mandrake plan to ship this plugin with the commercial packs ?
> Do you plan to have some commercial contracts with codeweaver concerning
> that point ?
> Seems to be a very good point for users coming from the "evile empire".
> But, if you ship this plugins in your commercial pack, you will have to
> furnish also a workable wine rpm (maybe the one from Codeweavers ).

--Steven Lawrance--

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