Andrej Borsenkow wrote:
> Michael Reinsch wrote:
> > Hi!
> >
> > Since DevFs loads the sound modules, /etc/init.d/alsa and probably also
> > /etc/init.d/sound no longer restore the mixer settings. So after every
> > reboot: silence (at least with my sound card) until one manually restores
> > the mixer setting.
> >
> They do, at least sound (I do not use ALSA). Could you be more specific?
> What card, what driver, what application? I have seen weird things with
> OSS compatibility mode in ALSA.
> -andrej

It happened to me as well. I had to disable module autoloading on lookup
(in /etc/devfsd.conf, the lines beginning with LOOKUP), otherwise devfsd
at startup loaded the ALSA modules (probably when it copied the links
from /lib/dev-state) without restoring mixer settings and
/etc/rc.d/init.d/alsa didn't do anything because it found that the
modules were already installed. My solution is probably overkill, but
it's nice for me because autoloading of modules was loading several
modules I seldom need (printer, floppy, whatever) and it caused several
'device already registered' errors.

Hope it helps.

Paolo Pedroni

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