I think I've just found a bug in the way bash is started under KDE.  Under 8.0, I added a line to my .bashrc, something like:
CLASSPATH=`mkpath /usr/java/lib/*`:$CLASSPATH
When I upgraded to 8.1beta2, I noticed it was taking a really long time to login or start a shell (and then I was getting error messages.)  What I found is that several hundred instances of /bin/bash were being created, until the system ran out of resources to create them.  I put a log line at the start of .bashrc and, sure enough, it was getting processed several hundred times.  When I took the CLASSPATH line out, it only got processed once.
I suspect what is happening is that the `command evaluation` has been changed somehow, so that it starts up a new instance of bash that processes the .bashrc again and since this command is in the .bashrc, it loops until it crashes...
Before someone says "it's a Feature, not a Bug", note that this does not happen when logging in from the console, only under KDE...
Hmmm, when I tried to test it under other window managers (Gnome, sawfish, failsafe) it seems that none of them work, only KDE.  Anyone else have this problem?

Jason Dyer
Sr. Information Systems Engineer
BlueTarp, Inc.
"Help Microsoft stamp out piracy!  Use Linux and share it with your friends."

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