I think this might be a bug in find. I tried badblocks
to see if anything came up and I got no messages so I
assume there were no problems.

If I type:
find / -name anyfile
the system locks up

I can type without any issues:
find /usr -name anyfile

--- SI Reasoning <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I dug a little deeper and I think I found the cron
> that caused things to kick 
> out. This had not been a problem until this weekends
> update:
> find / -name core -atime +5 -exec rm -f "{}" ';'
> I use this program to delete old crons so that they
> do not just sit and eat 
> hard drive space. Why is this causing a complete
> crash now?

SI Reasoning
gnupg/pgp key id 035213BC

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