On lun, 2001-09-10 at 17:35, Alexander Skwar wrote:
> So sprach »Grégoire Colbert« am 2001-09-10 um 09:26:22 +0200 :
> > Well, I mean it is useless for me. Having the Euro instead would be 
> > somewhat more useful for people in France (those with old keyboards).
> Ah, I see.  Well, I suppose I don't quite "understand" you, because on
> my german keyboard, Euro is quite easy to type: AltGr+E :)

Here it is not working, tried different fonts, iso8859-1, iso8859-15...
AltGr+E, Ctrl,Shift+Ctrl,Alt+Ctrl, etc....
This is swiss keyboard with fr_CH.... (and yes the euro is displayed on
the E key meaning it should be used with AltGr).

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