On Wed, 2001-09-12 at 08:11, Borsenkow Andrej wrote:
> Just did an install with root on xfs (do not know if it was the reason
> of problems). Booting with bootdisk fails - endless dots after "RAMDISK:
> Compressed image found at block 0 Uncompressing" ........
> I have main lilo on had and install test systems on hda1 (with lilo on
> hda1) and boot via chain loader. Failed here as well - after "test boot"
> (test is the name of lilo entry) it hangs. Does lilo support xfs?

Lilo works fine with XFS with the one excretion that it must be
installed in the mbr /dev/hda in your case.

XFS has it's super block at at block 0 unlike the other linux fs's that
start at block 64 (I think... don't quote me on that one) so putting
lilo on any partition with an XFS file system is a no no.

Note I have not tried grub yet but it now has XFS support.

> -andrej

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