On Monday 17 September 2001 6:51 pm, you wrote:
> Ainsi parlait Tom Badran :
> > As mandrake already comes with a few games, i thought it might be nice to
> > add these two as they both compile and work nicely on my mandrake-freq
> > machine:
> >
> > crossfire - Multiplayer RPG (maybe client only due to space but server is
> > only a few megs) - easy to find on google, i think it is 2nd or third
> > link if you search for crossfire, latest version appears to be 1.0.0
> [guillaume@silbermann guillaume]$ rpm -qa | grep crossfire
> crossfire-1.0.0-1mdk
> crossfire-maps-1.0.0-1mdk
> > and nethack - Single player vagely similar to diablo -  sorry im without
> > direct link again but it is easy to find.
> [guillaume@silbermann guillaume]$ rpm -qa | grep nethack
> nethack_falconseye-3.3.1_jtp_1.9-3mdk
> "you were just dreaming of it, cooker was already packaging it" :-)

Damn is should keep up to date. Thats what i get at not looking at cooker for 
a while. And to think the trouble i had compiling nethack !!! Ah well, just 
proves yet again that Mandrake is giving people what they want :-), any 
chance of a free beer with every iso download:)
Tom "Tomahawk" Badran
Department of Computing, Imperial College

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