On Sun, 2001-09-23 at 04:03, Fabrice FACORAT wrote:
> Le Samedi 22 Septembre 2001 22:48, R.I.P. Deaddog scribit :
> > On Sat, 22 Sep 2001, Borsenkow Andrej wrote:
> > > No chance to get AA for gtk apps?
> >
> > AA is only available for gtk 2.0, that will mean one need to
> > wait till gnome 2.0 before one can enjoy AA'ed gnome platform.
> false. You can use gdkxft ( http://news.gnome.org/1000606709/ 
> http://philrsss.anu.edu.au/~josh/gdkxft/ )
AFAIK the reason AA did not make it to gtk+ 1.2 is that it has problems
with internationalization issues (does not work with non-Latin1
locales?), so gdkxft would not solve Andrej's problem either :)

> > Just noticed that Nautilus handled this itself......
> Nautilus do software AA. That's why Nautilus is so slow also.

Well, Nautilus uses freetype2 which is the same libs used to provide AA
by XFree86. Their caching implementation might be inferior though.


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