Le Mardi 25 Septembre 2001 17:10, Oden Eriksson scribit :
> tisdagen den 25 september 2001 08.25 skrev du:
> > > > Failure of this file... ? Can you compare with the installed version,
> > > > they will probably mismatch.
> > > They seem to match...
> >
> > not only the size!
> Well, if you kindly could tell me another way I could uset to compare I do
> it.

md5sum ?

[will@bastard will]$ md5sum /lib/libc-2.2.4.so
ac5b01c9934910f89e7c3915fe1c189c  /lib/libc-2.2.4.so

Rien ne sert de penser, faut réfléchir avant.
Pierre Dac

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