Borsenkow Andrej wrote:

> It was already reported today and it happened to me @home. I started 
> KDE via startx, up came splash screen, the last thing displayed were 
> these KDE gears, then splash screen went away and there was nothing 
> more. In ps I could see seberal kdeinit's, the last two (father and 
> child) waiting  on read(5,...) and read(7,...) (from memory, sorry). 
> There were noting useful in .xsession-errors just usual crap about 
> DCOP server already running, not ELF etc.
> BTW it took some time. I typed startx and went to make tea. As I came 
> back I exactly saw splash screen disappearing.
> As usual, I ask myself why this should start to happen just before 
> release ...
> -andrej

I think this may be a problem with the nspluginscan, I had to delete some
shite from my plugins directory to get nspluginscan to stop hanging.

John Allen                         email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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