Le Mercredi 26 Septembre 2001 04:57, Peter Ruskin scribit :
> The fonts in KDE are ghastly again!  Unusable at first.  If the installer
> knows that a 17" monitor or better is being used it should ensure that 100
> dpi fonts are used by default - 75 dpi on 17" at 1280x1024 is plain
> unusable - even with my varifocals!  I added "DisplaySize  300 225" to the
> Monitor section of my XF86Config-4 and it looked better after X restart,
> but nowhere near as good as 8.0.
> Konsole font is useless again.  I added truetype fonts and selected
> antialias everywhere but whatever font I chose from the combo in "Custom"
> setting looked awful - with a 5 mm gap between the end of the prompt and
> the $ or #. 

In fact it do it first time after activate AA.
But now I've got no pb. I switch the fonts and now use unicode. I think tat 
it is a konqole bug when you activate AA.

> I ended up just choosing medium and don't like it.  This is
> using the same fonts and 

> the same XftConfig as 8.0, 

change take the 8.1 one because for 8.0 AA is deactivate for font between 8-15

> If this isn't fixed I'll stay with 8.0 and wait for 8.2 (or 8.1.1?).

have a plain 8.1 without the 8.0 config as some of theme are buggy

L'enfer est un endroit oł le cuisinier serait anglais,
le policier allemand, le garagiste arabe et l'amant suisse.

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