OK, No problem with the kernel not showing,I can understand some of the 
problems... (I experienced some earlier :-) ).

I am quite sure that I had to install abiword by hand as rpmdrake was 
not showing the update ...
I'll try a few others to be sure.


SI Reasoning wrote:

> rpmdrake no longer shows kernel upgrades because of
> problems related to it. Kpackage to the same site will
> bring it up or you can download them and manually
> update.
> --- Bernard Varaine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
>>rpmdrake doesn't display proper list of packages to
>>be updated from my 
>>local copy of cooker.
>>version 1.3-105
>>for example kernel is not showing and it should..
>>the rpms are there and
>>the version is newer  etc
>>any reported bug or fixes ?
> =====
> SI Reasoning
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