Leon Brooks wrote:

>On Thursday 18 October 2001 23:50, you wrote:
>>Yura Gusev wrote:
>>>Subject: [CHRPM] mandrake_desk-8.1-21mdk
>>>- BuildRequires: arts
>>>Why does package that contains icons&backgrounds needs sound server?
>>Good question, but it does, really.
>No, it doesn't. 
OK. Why don't you remove arts from your system and try to rebuild the 
package (use --nodeps). You'll see where it stops. This packages 
requires /usr/bin/mcopidl, which happens to be in the arts package.

>I do sound processing on a machine with no sound card, no 
>sound daemon.
>These kind of dependencies really annoy me, 

You know what annoys me? Just ignoring dependancies. That's what's been 
happening for too long now and it results in broken, unbuildable 
packages. In theory you should be able to rebuild all packages when you 
have rpm-build + the BuildRequires installed for the package you're 
rebuilding. That's what I'm working at.

>like having to install MySQL to 
>get certain server modules to work, not because I want MySQL but because 
>MySQL functionality is linked into the module when it should be a separate 
>sub-module. Splitting functionality into finer grains means more package 
>files, but it also helps to avoid interdependency nightmares, particularly 
>when upgrading or on low-resource systems. It's not as if RPMDrake is short 
>of problems anyway.
You'll still need a BuildRequires on MySQL for the src.rpm, or not?

>I notice that each successive generation of Mandrake splits the previous 
>generation's RPMs ever finer, but also adds more features, many of which 
>cause lumping-together of functionality.
>The ideal solution is to ship mandrake_desk.*.rpm and 
>mandrake_desk-sounds.*.rpm plus pay more attention to dependency and bundling 
>issues when adding new features to the packages.
Please make the package and suggest the changes to the packager. Even if 
you split it up into 2 (or more) packages, arts will still be needed as 
a BuildRequires...


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