On Fridayen den 19 October 2001 17.04, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Quoting Oden Eriksson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > > > > >it's a gcc issue.
> > > > >
> > > > > probably you should try and may be mail to Alan
> > > > > i can not try it as i have only gcc-3.0.2 and there is no point to
> >
> > try
> >
> > > > > it with gcc-3.xx
> > > >
> > > > Alan who?
> > >
> > > havent you heard who is making the -ac kernels
> > > wich are the main part of the Mandrake kernel
> > > it's Alan Cox
> >
> > Ahh, I though you meant some one at mandrake...
> >
> > I think it's like this. If it's really a compiler issue, then we
> > (Mandrake and their users) need to verify it and reproduce it and have
> > one of the Mandrake representatives mailing AC. Sure I can mail AC, but I
> > doubt he would
> >
> > answer because I have nothing solid to go on ;)
> well i'm sure he'll try to find whether the problem comes with gcc-2.96 too
> and at least mention it on the change.log
> ( gcc-2.96 is standart for RedHat too it's not only MDK pb, in case it
> comes from gcc ofcourse )
> i hope he'll find the pb soon, the 2.4.12-ac3 is too long out there without
> -ac4 and hopefully there will be no more troubles


Here's the full story:

There are currently 2 users on this list I know of that encountered this 
problem, me and another guy which I can't remember his name (sorry). I 
reported it to the list, and the other guy also to the linux kernel list. He 
got an answer that it was because on some (new?) NUMA stuff in the kernel 
that one can turn off and on when compiling the kernel. Since then, I'm 
waiting for this to be solved in kernel-smp-2.4.12-4mdk or later.

If you install the "kernel-source-2.4.12-3mdk.i586.rpm" and do a "cd 
/usr/src/linux; make menuconfig" you will find something about NUMA in there. 
Deactivate support for NUMA and the SMP kernel will probably work me and the 
other guy.

I could try this myself, but I'm a little lazy, and it takes so long for me 
to build the kernel. I have 2x400Mhz Celeron, but it's damn slow compared to 
the modern hardware...

Oden Eriksson, Jokkmokk, Sweden.
Mandrake Linux release 8.1 (Vitamin) for i586, kernel 2.4.10-6mdksmp. Uptime: 
56 min

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