On Sun, 21 Oct 2001, Denis Pelletier wrote:

{ On 21 Oct 2001, Pixel wrote:
{ { Denis Pelletier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
{ {
{ { > { the update process for samba is broken. Everytime I update samba the link
{ { > { /etc/rc3.d/S91smb is removed.
{ { >
{ { > And it should not be a chkconfig problem because I create the link
{ { > /etc/rc3.d/S91smb with drakxservices (I'm not creating the link manually).
{ {
{ { which security level? (see $SECURE_LEVEL)
{ There is something weird.
{ [dpel@maniwaki msec-0.15]$ echo $SECURE_LEVEL
{ 3
{ [root@maniwaki root]# echo $SECURE_LEVEL
{ 2
{ I last ran msec about one month ago.

Just ran msec and now $SECURE_LEVEL is now 3 for both root and regular
users. I reinstalled the latest samab (rpm -Uhv --force samba*) and now
everything seems ok.

Thanks Pixel. I guess that now is a good time to go to the donation page.

Denis Pelletier
Étudiant au doctorat
sciences économiques, Université de Montréal

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