In my experience with the rescue mode on the CD, some degree of 
sanity is restored by doing "chroot /mnt" from the rescue prompt.  
Things mostly work like normal then...  well, less complicated 


On Sunday 21 October 2001 20:42, David wrote:
> Was playing with Bastille firewall config and screwed the system
> up and X wouldn't start. Luckily I saved a backup copy in the
> same folder. That is when I noticed some of the limitation.
> Just wondering if this is normal.
> 1) If use the 'less' command piped with a command you have to
> hit: Shift zz   in order to exit. Had to write that one down.
> 2) If you want to rename something you have to give the exact
> directory where 'rename' is. I had to /mnt/usr/bin/rename  to use
> the command.
> 3) vim doesn't work. Only vi works. And you have to /mnt/bin/vi
> to get that to work.
> I can never get that rename command to work anyway, need to look
> up the syntax better right after this. So I deleted the firewall
> script and rebooted and then changed the name back.
> So does every command have to have the exact directory it is in
> to work. IF so, then that is a wish list of possible please to
> change that.
> Need to use the 'less' command a lot to see everything. If having
> to use Shift zz to it to exit, then could we please make it work
> with 'Ctrl z' and 'Ctrl c' also.
> Hard remembering all the commands, then if have to use the rescue
> cd having to use different keys and command names (ie
> /mnt/bin/vi)
> Please, pretty please.

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