Oden Eriksson wrote:
> On Thursdayen den 1 November 2001 14.25, Pierre Fortin wrote:
> > Let's try the cooker list then...
> >
> > This has to do with problems we are having as subscribers to Mandrake
> > mailing lists...  until these problems are fixed, we have to first notice
> > that we are missing postings, discover why we are not getting all these
> > messages, then debug the problem only to find that many postings are
> > being rejected by PostFix when we try to use the UCE controls.
> [snip]
> Who's the postmaster?
> It's not wise to use UCE until the subscribers have been informed of this. I
> suspect many of the subscribers are using their own local smtp server when
> sending mail, and this will not work for them becasue their MX probably will
> not resolve, UCE will block this per design. rbl lookup will work better, but
> I've been told it's not that commonly used.

The gory details were snipped, so let me be more succinct...

Mandrake's mailing lists are exploded from  I have, like many
others, enabled UCE prevention in postfix...  OK so far...

Now, Mandrake has not defined its DNS correctly; querying returns 3
names: 37435 IN     PTR     nsd.mandrakesoft.com. 37435 IN     PTR     mandrakesoft.mandrakesoft.com. 37435 IN     PTR     nsd.netnomics.com.

Yet, when verifying the names:
$ host nsd.mandrakesoft.com
Host nsd.mandrakesoft.com not found: 3(NXDOMAIN)
$ host mandrakesoft.mandrakesoft.com
mandrakesoft.mandrakesoft.com has address
$ host nsd.netnomics.com
Host nsd.netnomics.com not found: 3(NXDOMAIN)

only ONE returns the valid IP address.  If postfix tries the good one, fine.  If
it tries one of the other 2, messages are "rejected" by UCE rules forcing me to
explicitly permit that IP address.  If the Mandrake mailer should move (upgrade,
backup, etc) to a different IP address, mail will once again be rejected... 

This DNS problem shows inattention to detail, and failure to fix it would
translate into lack of professionalism.  This should be fixed along with the
other problems identified by "sleuth"...  It certainly does not look good if a
major distro can't get its own configs right, does it...?

Just trying to help,

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